
Ahoy Commenters!! If you haven’t received your password after you’ve tried to register on Otto’s Dive Log, you might have entered an incorrect email address on the registration page.  I’ve been getting a lot of returned email from folks who have tried to register.  Try re-registering using a different User Name and make sure your email address is entered correctly.  If you just want to send Otto a message, you can go to Otto’s website and click on the ‘Contact Otto’ tab.  Here’s a link to the website:  Happy Diving!

About Otto

Otto Gasser grew up mostly in southern California and obtained his Doctorate In Educational Psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). He was hired as a professor to teach in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California, where he initiated a multilevel Scuba training curriculum on campus. Dr. Gasser spent 37 years at Cal Poly before recently retiring. During that time, he certified over 2,000 students in Scuba. He served as the University’s Diving Safety Officer and represented the campus on the California State College and Universities Diving Safety Committee. Off campus, Dr. Gasser spent ten years on the Board of Directors for the Los Angeles County Underwater Instructors Association, three of them as President. Over the years, he has volunteered time on a number of county Scuba training programs and has authored several articles about diver training. Otto is now an active recreational diver. In addition to the California coast, his more frequently visited dive locations include Hawaii’s Big Island, Indonesia, and the Caribbean islands.
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